Reba In Dallas, Texas

We were all thrilled to see her after waiting all afternoon in anticipation of a great show. I had fun looking around many of the neat things to see at the State Fair of Texas. I rode the big Ferris wheel and could see a long ways.
Reba started the show around 8:30 with "Is There Life Out There." She had a nice gray outfit on for the 1st part of the show. She sang many of her hits including "Wrong Night" "One Promise Too Late" "How Blue..." "Starting Over" among others. She also sang "Why Haven't I Heard From You"after changing into a white dress. Later into the show she sang new song' "What Do You Say" and ended with "Fancy." This was a great 90 minute show full of energy and unexpected things as well. It was well worth the effort to me to see Reba. If Reba will be near you, you should go see her because she is one of a kind. My rating [1-10 scale]

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